Combination of AIIR Coaching and ECM™ Technology Creates $2 Million ROI

Maria, Vice President of Talent Management at a global technology company, was overwhelmed. Maria had the directive to roll out a new Leadership Development program for 27 high-potential Senior Directors, but she was concerned about having the time to efficiently manage the program herself. Fortunately, Maria had access to AIIR’s ECM™ coaching management technology, designed to help busy leaders like herself track and manage all coaching engagements within a single, secure space. With ECM™, Maria could maximize efficiency and accountability while also measuring the business impact of the program.

In the weeks leading up to the program, AIIR Consulting worked directly with Maria and her Project Manager Michael. Michael received AIIR's ECM on-boarding experience, in addition to unlimited support and assistance customizing the system.Screen Shot 2016-12-15 at 11.41.03 AM.png

When the program launched, each participant engaged with their coach through the Coaching Zone™: a cloud-based environment, confidentially shared between coach and client. Participants scheduled meetings, reviewed coaching notes from previous sessions, and initiated HD telepresence meetings all from one secure space. To ensure the formal learning component of the leadership development program was integrated with coaching, Michael leveraged the ECM™ library functionality to push content to the Coaching Zone™ of each participant. 

With ECM™, Michael and Maria were also able to easily track the progress of all 27 engagements from a single dashboard. Although the information shared between the coaches and clients remained confidential, the calendar details and coaching KPI metrics provided Michael with a bird’s eye view of the entire program. 

As coaching engagements came to an end, each participant was automatically sent a Coaching Impact Survey through their Coaching Zone accounts. Michael customized this survey in advance based on the organization’s strategic objectives and the leadership program’s target KPIs. As participants completed their surveys, the responses were aggregated within ECM™ and made accessible to Maria and Michael. Michael was then able to view and download individual survey results, view aggregated Business Impact data directly in ECM™, and export the aggregated data into an Excel file.

The native ROI algorithm estimated a return of nearly 15 times the initial investment as a direct result of coaching. This metric was just one useful data point within the context of the measured Coaching KPIs and Net Promoter Scores. On KPIs, 86% of participants reported an impact on “Team Effectiveness,” 81% on “Vision,” and 48% on “Productivity.” Metrics like these gave Michael deep insights into program results, helping him refine his objectives and strategy for the next year.



Schedule a demo today to learn how ECM technology can power results for your 2017 Talent Development strategy.