What did the Organization Need?

A global telecommunications company was seeking to dramatically change its approach to sales. In response to market pressures and a persistent difficulties with customer service, the senior leadership team decided to transform its sales function to be more customer-centric and market-oriented. For this high-potential experience, participants were given online and in-person learning modules curated by a prestigious university. Coaching was then applied to support this learning and reinforce development gains.

Our Approach

The program was designed to integrate world class executive education and high-impact executive coaching. The executive coaching program followed the four stage AIIR® Methodology for creating sustained behavioral change (Assessment > Insight > Implementation > Reinforcement). Each engagement started with a comprehensive assessment and the creation of a clear Strategic Development Plan. A combination of 1-1 coaching sessions and stakeholder meetings were then leveraged to execute development plans and create sustained behavioral change, with customized learning modules interspersed between coaching sessions. Two of the modules took place in-person, with remaining sessions delivered virtually.

Results Achieved

The executive coaching experience achieved a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 86. 90% of the participants described either meeting (33%) or exceeding (57%) expectations with regard to their Strategic Development Plans. 95% of the participants described their leadership impact as being stronger than when the engagement began. In addition to satisfaction data, participants were asked to estimate the economic impact of their coaching experience. For participants who provided an estimate, the average return was found to be 14.5 x the coaching investment, or a 1,450 ROI%.