What did the Organization Need?

Amid an ongoing series of strategic acquisitions, a large hospital system identified a pressing need to strengthen its leadership pipeline. Although a formal Leadership Development program had been in place for years, this new growth demanded that the program be improved by supplementing formal learning with executive coaching. Central to the mission of this program was cultivating talent from previously separate companies in a way that reinforced the newly unified brand.

Our Approach

The brief coaching program followed the four stage AIIR® Methodology for creating sustained behavioral change (Assessment > Insight > Implementation > Reinforcement). The program started out with a comprehensive assessment, the creation of a clear Strategic Development Plan, and then a combination of 1-1 coaching sessions and stakeholder meetings. Stakeholder meetings were designed to maximize support and accountability for successful execution of the participant’s Strategic Development Plan.

Results Achieved

At the conclusion of the program, the average Net Promoter Score (NPS) for AIIR executive coaches was found to be 85. With regard to progress made on their Strategic Development Plans , 93% of the participants described either meeting or exceeding their personal expectations (52% met expectations; 41% exceeded expectations). 74% of participants described their leadership impact as being stronger than when the engagement began.